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The Church of Christ that presently meets at 2106 Arlington Road has a very unique history. It is a history that demonstrates the power of the gospel of Christ to change honest and receptive hearts. It is a history that became "he news of the brotherhood" at that time. It is a history that transcends racial barriers and shows us what can be done in Christ for a common cause.

During the summer of 1947 under the leadership of Bro.  Arley E Moore  the Cawson Street Church of Christ
 in the Cawson Street Church of Christ decided to evangelize the black community. This was done by conducting a tent revival in the Davisville area of Hopewell, Virginia. The leaders of the Cawson Street Congregation invited Bro. John R. Vaughn of St. Petersburg, FL, to preach. Bro Vaughn had earlier preached a revival at the Mosque in Richmond, Virginia. Brother Vaughner consented to preach and Bro Raymond Dunwood of Orlando, FL, led the singing each night. They spearheaded a canvassing effort in the neighborhood prior to the revival services. A tent was constructed on Terminal Street, directly in front of Union Baptist Church. Services were held for two weeks- September 14-26. An article written by Bro. Moore indicates that the tent was donated by the 14th street Congregation in Washington, DC. In addition to the 14th Street Congregation and Carson Street, the congregation at Pike Road, North Carolina invested $800 in the meeting. 
 The results were overwhelming. According to an October 9, 1947 Gospel Advocate article, 146 blacks and one white were baptized. Other accounts have the total number as high as 156, that number included a Baptist preacher and most of his congregation. This new congregation known as the Davisville Church of Christ was then a third larger than the white congregation at Cawson Street, and at that time was as large or larger than any congregation- black or white-in Virginia.
 The Baptist preacher who was converted was Wilton Cook. Some said it was during this tent meeting that he made a statement to the affect of, "all who want to go to Heaven, follow me. I am going across the street to the big tent and obey the gospel". It was a historic day as several were baptized in Jones Lake. 
Attempts were unsuccessful to purchase the Union Baptist building which had just been built a few months before the tent meeting. With the help of the Cawson Street Congregation, an army barrack was purchased and constructed on the site where the tent meeting took place. The Davisville members worshipped at 215 Terminal Stret until our present building was built in 1970. Brother Raymond Dunwood served & minister from 1947 to 1949. The congregation experienced significant growth. Aller Brother Dunwood, Brother Jesse Brown worked with the church for a year.
In 1950, Brother John Smiley began working full time with the congregation. Brother Smiley worked with the church until 1955. During this time Brother Smiley was also preaching for the members in Richmond at 3:00pm on Sundays. After some of the members in Richmond moved away, the Smiley family that worshipped in Richmond placed membership in Hopewell. This continued until 1953. During his ministry the deacons were ordained for a short period of time. They were: Franced Miles

Murel Jones, John Judkins, Fletcher Robertson and Walter Shands. The congregation also grew in number after a radio program was started. A home was built for the minister at 2209 Raleigh Street for $6,900.00.
It was during this time that the Jefferson Street congregation in Petersburg, Virginin was established in the home of Brother and Sister Murel Jones. About five members from Arlington Road placed membership with the Jefferson Street congregation. 
In 1955, Brother Junius R. Stevens became the minister of the congregation. Brother Stevens served with distinction for seven years commuting from Washington, D.C. He place emphasis on personal work and visitation. According to Sis. Esther Stevens, Bro. Junius Stevens and Bro. Homer Smiley established the congregation on Chimborazo Avenue in Richmond. In addition, a building program was started along with training classes. During Bro. Stevens' ministry a total of 97 precious souls were baptized into Christ.
In 1962 Brother Albert Dennis served as minister until 1968. The gospel continued to be preached on the radio.
In 1968, Raymond Dunwood returned as minister. The present church building was erected in 1970 during his tenure for $85,000. Brother Dunwood served until failing health made it necessary for him to retire in 1986 at the age of 75. Brother Gary L. Atwater, a captain in the Army at Fort Lee, served as interim minister for about fifteen months, April 1986-July 1987. There were a number of baptisms during this time, and new classes started as the leadership began its search for a full time minister. 
Brother Atwater began communicating with Brother Eugene Lawton of Newark, New Jersey concerning acquiring a full-time minister. Brother Lawton recommended James Michael Crusoe, who was preaching in Kansas City, Kansas at the time. In September, 1987, Brother Crusoe came to Hopewell, along with his wife Debra and children Cory, Rebekah and Brittney. Brother Crusoe preached his first sermon here on September 13, 1987. 
Since 1987, the work of the church has been organized into church ministries. The attendance, and the offering has tripled in time, and a strong emphasis has been placed on soul winning. There has been approximately 300 precious souls baptized. Leadership development and Christian home-building classes have been started. The church is now on the radio or cable television each day of the week. Other accomplishments include: The Hopewell Youth Rally, which began in 1989; a daycare center operated from 1989 to 1996; and tutoring programs have been offered to members of the community. This is an exciting time for the church. Our focus now is
continued growth, congregational development, leadership development, and possible future expansion or relocation. 

Bro. Crusoe recommended Leruana Gilbert as minister before relocating to Memphis, TN in 2001. Bro. Gilbert implemented several ministries during his 16 year tenure with the church. They include:

- Clothing Closet outreach 
- Community lunches once a month 
- Youth Rally/Conference baptisms (record is over 20 I believe at one time)
- installed deacons 
- Ladies Tea/1st Mid-Atlantic ladies retreat 
- Co-host Southeastern Lectureship with Sandy Lane Church of Christ 
- Building repairs/roof/AC/Fans 
- Bible bowl @ Youth Rally 
- Thanksgiving outreach 

In 2019, Bro. Crusoe returned to Arlington Rd. The congregation made history in 2022, installing elders (J.M. Crusoe and Joseph Woodley) during their 75th Church Anniversary. Evangelist Edward L. Keyton, Atlanta, GA conducted the installation ceremony. 
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